Urgent CAIR-GA Action Alert - Request that the JQCG demand Judge Stacey Hydrick's resignation

Subject: Request that the JQCG demand Judge Stacey Hydrick's resignation
To: magistrate.jarequests@fultoncountyga.gov, Christa.Flint@cobbcounty.org, troberts@atlantabar.org, leighb@gabar.org, loria@gabar.org, wvhearnburg@gabar.org, kathyj@gabar.org, lamarj@gabar.org, jimlewis@gabar.org, andreeam@gabar.org, adriennen@gabar.org, billn@gabar.org, mail@bobbarr.org, blangdale@langdalelaw.com, president@dekalbbar.org, vicepresident@dekalbbar.org, treasurer@dekalbbar.org, pastpresident@dekalbbar.org, georgia.lord@georgialordlaw.com, alex@alexsusor.com, dan@atlantatrial.com, james@decaturlegal.com, execdir@dekalbbar.org, eward@continuumLG.com, tbrown@hpylaw.com, bdgriswold01@gmail.com, kevin@patricktriallaw.com, troberts@atlantabar.org, ccarr@law.ga.gov, marmstead@dekalbcountyga.gov, sclokenauth@dekalbcountyga.gov, dcstribling@dekalbcountyga.gov, keithadamsllc@aol.com, claudiasaarilaw@gmail.com, jgh@haubenreichlaw.com, tedra@cannellasnyder.com, sboston@dekalbcountyga.gov, dax@dglattorneys.com

To whom it may concern,

It has come to my attention that a Superior County Judge, Stacey Hydrick, repeatedly posted highly inflammatory and prejudiced comments on Facebook this week. In the comments, Judge Hydrick states repeatedly that there are no innocent people in Gaza, even at one point implying that they deserve death.

In a long thread on Facebook, Judge Hydrick states "Nothing else matters to me right now. Nothing." She then proceeds to say "If anyone......believes there are innocent civilians in Gaza...you MUST watch this footage..."Judge Hydrick accused a fellow officer of the court, attorney Musa Ghanayem, of supporting Hamas when he argues that this statement is discriminatory. In response to Attorney Ghanayem saying he doesn't support Hamas and, "if I had family in Gaza, you would want them dead?" she proceeds to say, "I would never advocate for any innocent human beings to die. But after the video I saw Tuesday night with civilian women and children cheering on Hamas, its really hard to believe there are innocent people in Gaza." Responding to another poster who argues that she is incorrect, she says again "hard to believe there are any after watching what I saw."

The Judge treats two million marginalized and brutalized people with such contempt that she even goes so far as to declare them guilty of a crime and so culpable that they may deserve death. This is shocking and her spiteful generalization of two million people can only be interpreted as highly biased, prejudiced and racist. Judge Hydrick is not simply expressing a "human" opinion, she is supporting the killing of two million men, women, and children. These comments made by a Superior Court Judge and the Chair of the JQCG, serve to encourage the further victimization of a marginalized and dehumanized people of color even further.

Per the Georgia Code of Judicial Conduct Rule 1.2, a Superior Court Judge maintains a higher responsibility to avoid all appearance of impropriety even in their personal conduct, accepting restrictions on their conduct that might be viewed as burdensome by the ordinary citizen. Judge Hydrick is in clear violations of these Rules and must be disciplined to the fullest degree of the law. Judge Hydrick not only appears bias and partial, but she is also inciting hatred and violence on a public forum.

I find these comments made by a sitting Superior Court Judge extremely offensive and inciteful. I would not be comfortable in her court due to her obvious contempt and hatred for Palestinians, Muslims, and people of color. I request that the JQCG demand her resignation immediately.
